A push for shared parenting has resulted in an unprecedented change, with more Florida fathers are becoming single parents. During the last several decades, courts have made decisions regarding custody by considering the best interests of the child, which has resulted in a disproportionate number of custody decisions favoring the mothers. However, as more fathers push for joint custody, more mothers have decided to give up their portion of custody.
Some fathers perceive that courts prefer mothers and are more likely to accept visitation and fewer rights. They see other men in this situation and assume it is the norm. However, courts are actually granting more parenting time to fathers than they had previously. The perception that fathers have of themselves has also changed, making them feel like they play an important role in their children’s lives and are more willing to fight to stay a constant in their children’s lives.
At the same time, parents realize that joint physical custody can be difficult for two individuals who no longer wanted to be romantically involved. It requires exes to see each other on a regular basis and living in close proximity so that children can stay in one school. Some divorced couples worry how having joint custody may negatively affect their children. They may believe that their children will be confused by having to pack up and move to a different home every week.
Individuals who would like to learn about pursuing sole custody or joint custody may decide to consult with a family law attorney. Through such a course of action, these individuals can learn about their options. They may also discover what evidence is necessary to present in order to make a case for the type of custody that they desire.
Source: The Atlantic , “The Rise of the Single Dad“, Caroline Kitchener , February 24, 2014