Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

Florida daughter reunited with mother after abduction

On Behalf of | Jun 1, 2014 | Child Custody

A Florida girl who was taken by her father five years ago was returned to her mother. The mother had full child custody of the girl when the father used his court-ordered visitation to abduct the girl and take her to Mexico without the mother’s permission.

The father had weekend visitation rights. A warrant was issued for him for the crime of interference with child custody after the girl was reported missing. Police investigated the abduction for five years. The girl was only eight years old when she was abducted by her father. Her mother never gave up looking for her, posting social media messages occasionally to her daughter, reminding her that she was looking for her.

A raid on the residence near Mexico City where the two were living under assumed names resulted in the capture of the man and the return of the daughter. The raid occurred on the same day as the authorities received a tip-off indicating that the father and daughter were hidden away in Hidalgo. The United States Marchals Service, the Florida/Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force, Volusia County Sheriff’s Office and other officials collaborated on the project. The father was arrested and was being extradited to Miami. After that, he will be headed for Volusia County, the county where the initial warrant was issued and the abduction occurred.

Individuals who believe that their children may be at risk of being abducted by a noncustodial parent should consult with a family law attorney. In such a situation, the attorney may be able to provide suggestions about how to prevent such an abduction from occurring, such as including specific language in the custody order or asking that a bond be placed if the parent knows that the child will be leaving the country.

Source: Daily News, “Florida mom reunited with daughter found in Mexico 5 years after dad abducted her “, Lee Moran, May 19, 2014

