When you have worked hard for many years, you and your spouse may have built up significant assets that need to be divided when you decide to get a divorce. You might each have retirement accounts, joint and separate bank accounts, stocks, real estate holdings, business interests and other asset types. You may be uncertain of the value of your holdings.
You might also believe that your spouse may be concealing assets. He or she may have transferred high-worth assets that you both would have otherwise divided to a friend or a relative and you might not know how to prove your suspicions. In the event you believe there are hidden assets or fraudulent transfers, you might need to get the help of financial experts that can help uncover them.
Even if you think you know the value of your income and assets, it is important to get a correct value before a property division in a divorce. Getting a valuation can help make certain that you will get the portion that is fair for you. If you believe that your spouse has inflated the value of your assets, a valuation can also help show the true value of the income and assets.
At our law firm, we work with forensic accountants, pension experts, appraisers and other types of consultants to help locate and value all assets for our clients. We are experienced with what is necessary to discover hidden assets, offshore accounts, value real estate and stocks, help with military pensions and retirement accounts and value business interests. We also help our clients whose spouses have fraudulently transferred assets to others to avoid division. As we understand the particular concerns people going through a high net worth divorce may face, we have gathered additional information you might want to review on our complex divorce page.