Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

The perils of getting married after age 32

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2015 | Property Division

If you belong in the group of people who think getting married after 30 years of age will improve the marriage’s chance of success, you might be wrong. Analyst Nicholas Wolfinger with the University of Utah says a major shift in divorce trends among American families reveal that those who wait to tie the knot seem to be more likely to get divorced.

Divorce trends from earlier periods showed people who waited to get married enjoyed long-lasting relationships and experienced fewer divorces. However, after analyzing data gathered by the U.S. National Survey of Family Growth, Wolfinger says that trend is no longer the case. Wolfinger’s research shows that the odds of divorce for those over the age of 32 increases at a rate of 5 percent per year.

Wolfinger says the divorce rate for marriages that occurred at 32 began to flatten out as early as 2002. Despite this, it seems that waiting a few more years to marry might actually increase the odds of staying married. Wolfinger says the study showed that for each additional year of age at the time of marriage, the odds of getting a divorce fell by 11 percent.

For Florida residents who are in their early 30s and contemplating marriage, this study provides a lot of food for thought. By looking ahead, it may be possible to build a stronger foundation for marriage. At the very least, the data can give both spouses a realistic viewpoint from which to prepare for the issues surrounding a possible divorce. These issues include property division, spousal support and even child custody.

Working with a family law attorney from the outset of marriage or when divorce becomes an option can save couples of all ages from some of the hardships surrounding divorce. Do not hesitate to seek legal assistance to build marital agreements in advance or to handle divorce settlements.

Source: Deccan Herald, “Tying the knot after age 32 ups divorce risk,” July 19, 2015

