Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

Child custody dispute? Try mediation for a solution

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2015 | Child Custody

When you’re planning to get a divorce but have children together, you may think that you’re going to have a fight for custody on your hands. That doesn’t need to happen, though. One of the things you can try is child custody mediation.

With mediation, you can keep your custody arrangement out of the court, working through it at your own pace. You can work together and talk about how your custody situation should be handled. Maybe one of you needs to work during the day and the other works nights; you can share custody in a way that suits both your needs. Or, maybe one of you is living further away than the other and wants to make sure weekends are reserved for seeing the children. Whatever it is you want to make happen, divorce mediation is a good place to discuss these issues.

Your children are important to you, and you shouldn’t have to argue between the two of you to come up with a solution to custody and visitation arrangements. With a mediator, you can come up with a schedule that you agree with while the other person comes up with one for them. The mediator can look at both and help you come to a conclusion on what will work best for your situation.

No child wants to see his or her parents fight, especially when it involves his or her future. Keeping child custody disputes or arrangements out of court makes it easier for you and your spouse to come to an agreeable arrangement that makes your child feel safe and loved instead of stressed and anxious. Our website has more on this helpful technique.

