If you are getting a divorce, there’s a chance you may have to pay or could receive spousal support. Spousal support is designed to help the spouse who earns less or who has no wages make up the difference in income until he or she can develop the skills needed to get a good job. It may also be used to help adjust a spouse’s income to provide a higher standard of living.
When you look at how alimony is determined, there are a few factors. First, the age, emotional state and financial condition of the spouses will be considered. Are they too old to relearn skills or get a good career, or is the person young enough to start over? This can have an effect on the case.
The court will also look at your standard of living during your marriage and at the length of time you’d need to educate yourself or be trained well enough to become self-sufficient. Another important factor is how much one spouse can afford to pay out to support the other.
Things like the length of your marriage and your physical condition will also be considered by the court, since these can affect your ability to find work today. If you gave up a career to stay at home during your marriage, then that will likely affect your earning capabilities and your case.
Our website has more on alimony and spousal support; you need to understand how it may apply in your case before you agree to a divorce settlement or other arrangements.