Families share their religions with one another, and it’s possible for it to be educational and inviting for children. When a parent begins to use religion against children or an ex-husband or ex-wife, that’s when it becomes a problem.
A father has been accused of sharing overzealous religious talk with his children to the point that it has been considered abusive by his ex-wife. An Oct. 26 report from the Florida Record states that the man’s ex-wife claims he gave up his right to religious freedom when it started to emotionally damage his three children and that he should not be able to speak to them about religion in the way he has been.
Normally, the court cannot restrict a parent from talking about religion with his or her children. However, religiously motivated behavior is different. If it impacts a child’s welfare, the court can do something about it. It’s been claimed that this father said that if the mother proceeded with divorce, then she was going to be subjected to eternal damnation and that the children would follow.
There have been three professional counselors involved in this case, which can be helpful if parents don’t get along or if there are simple changes that need to be made for the mental health of the children. He was provided with supervised visitation as well as unsupervised visitation to improve his relationship with his children. Neither were helpful. The professionals looking at the case stated that the man took part in activities that did hurt his children. The man’s current visitation status is stayed until the final appeal for the case is heard.
Cases like this are a little unusual, but the welfare of a child is paramount. If your child is in a risky situation, it’s important to reach out for assistance.
Source: Florida Record, “Father, attorney accused of sharing overzealous religious rhetoric to the point of abuse with children,” Deb Rogers, Oct. 26, 2016