Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

The Hague Convention protects you and your children

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2017 | Child Custody

As a parent, one of the worst feelings is knowing you can’t reach out to your children or tuck them in at night because someone took them from you against your wishes. This is the reality for some parents who are victims of parental kidnapping.

In a case of parental kidnapping, a parent takes his or her children out of the custody of the other parent without permission. It goes against court orders and is illegal in the majority of cases.

If you are in a relationship with a dual-national or someone from another country, then you know that there is a real risk that your ex-spouse could flee with your children and make it very difficult to retrieve them. Fortunately, the International Hague Convention is there to protect parents and children in your situation.

The International Hague Convention was formed between a number of contracting states. They include places like the United States, Canada and England. These countries work together to make sure child custody arrangements are enforced by sending children brought into their countries illegally home. For example, if your child is living in America but is taken away to your ex-husband’s home in England against court orders, the U.S. government and English government agencies can work together with the court system in England to arrange to have your child sent home. The Hague Convention’s sole purpose is to make sure any children wrongfully removed from their countries are returned promptly.

If your child is taken against your custody orders, your attorney can help. This convention and other laws are there to protect your little one and your interests. Our website has more on child custody and what you can do if you need a court order enforced.

