Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

What can you do to save a marriage?

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2017 | Property Division

Getting a divorce is a big deal, so before you take that step, it’s a good idea to decide if it’s the right choice. Reconsider the option, because the last thing you want is to go through a divorce only to regret your decision.

How can you work to save your marriage if you’re not sure a divorce is the right option? Start by listening to your spouse. Even if you think you do already, it’s a good idea to sit down and have a discussion about what each of you would like to see change. Try to avoid getting angry or defensive, because this shuts down communication.

Another thing you can do is talk about money together. You both need to be on the same page. Money is a big problem in some marriages, but by talking about your spending habits, what you expect and what you think each of you should or should not do, you can have a solid base for a budget.

Finally, make sure you recognize that things do change over time, whether it’s your spouse’s looks or the state of your bank accounts. You decided to get married and stay together through thick and thin, and that should go for body types, too. If you have a true problem with a discrepancy in your fitness levels, consider hiring a personal trainer and working with your spouse to get healthy instead of focusing on weight.

There are some times when there is no real way to save a marriage. If you think that’s the case, you can begin the process for a divorce by contacting your attorney.

Source: New York Post, “10 tips from a world-famous divorce lawyer to save your marriage,” Joanna Molloy, Aug. 09, 2017

