Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

Florida child support: When is income wrapped up like a gift?

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2022 | Child Support

It is not unusual for parents of a married adult to give money to the son or daughter or the couple to help with expenses or for a specific purpose like a down payment on a home or a vacation. A grandparent, other relative or friend might do the same.

But when a couple with minor kids divorces or unmarried or separated parents find themselves in court about child support, do those gifts count as income in the calculation of proper child support?

It can depend on the circumstances

Typically, financial gifts do not count as income regarding child support. However, in some specific instances, they can. Florida courts have been clear about this question. Specifically, it depends on whether the gifts are regular and not sporadic and whether the person giving the gift intends to continue it regularly.

Florida has a complicated statute that directs how courts calculate child support. The process starts with establishing each party’s income level to accurately determine who can pay child support, who needs support and the fair and adequate amount. Some types of income are apparent, like salaries, and others are not traditionally considered income (such as for taxation) but may be “income” available for child support.

Whether a spouse’s parents’ gifts are income for this purpose (or monetary gifts from anyone) turns on the child support law that says one type of income to include is “payments made by any person.” Another relevant provision is that the judge may impute income when someone “reimburses expenses or [makes] in-kind payments to the extent that they reduce living expenses.”

Examples of income disguised as gifts

Judges do not view one-time gifts or occasional gifts as income available for child support. Child support is typically ongoing, and regular payments are usually made from one spouse to another to help support children. Logically, an income source used for child support payments must be something the payor can regularly rely on. It would be unfair to recognize an inconsistent resource as income.

An attorney can gather and present evidence of whether monetary gifts are regular and ongoing, whether the lawyer represents the potential paying ex-spouse or the future recipient. Here are some examples of how courts have ruled on this issue:

  • A dozen years of $6500 monthly payments from the husband’s parents to the couple that continued even after they separated were appropriate income. The mother said in court that they would continue paying both parties after the divorce.
  • Where a wife’s family had helped her with the mortgage and other bills, there was not enough evidence to conclude that this help would continue, so those gifts were not income for child support purposes.
  • Income cannot be imputed from a new spouse attributed to his spouse (the remarried ex-wife) with living expenses.
  • Where a spouse’s parent allowed the husband to live rent-free in property owned by the parent, $1,400 of the monthly rental value of the home would be income attributed to the husband since it provided in-kind living expense assistance. The parents said they would continue to provide or pay for his housing expenses. However, sporadic money gifts they had paid to him should not be counted as income, as there is no guarantee they would guarantee that the parent’s situation is unique. Many factors can determine how their child support cases play out.

Gifts can raise questions about alimony as well.

Imputing income from a gift can also be an issue with alimony questions. While the two types of support are computed differently, they require the correct calculation of the income available to both parties.

