Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

Year: 2019

Daddy’s girl

Imputing income based on continuous and regular gifts from parentsIn a Florida divorce, a major, relevant factor considered in setting alimony or child support awards is income earned by either party. When we think about what income is, of course, wages and salaries...

Back child support in Florida

Why can I only recover two years of retroactive child support?There are circumstances when parents live apart, with one of them caring completely or primarily for the child or children, such as before seeking a determination of paternity or after separating during a...

Which county is proper?

Choosing the right county in which to file your Florida divorceTo begin a divorce proceeding in Florida, one of the spouses files a petition to dissolve the marriage in the state court. The court will only allow a spouse to file a divorce petition if one of the...

