Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

Life after marriage: Surviving and thriving on Valentine’s Day

On Behalf of | Feb 10, 2024 | Divorce

Sometimes its just the wrong time for a day devoted to romantic love – like when you are divorcing someone you thought was your forever person. Whether it was you who asked for a divorce or your partner, the end of a promise to love someone until the end of life cannot help but bring up difficult feelings.

Be easy on yourself

Do not expect yourself to feel great about dressing up and having a night out with friends. If that feels right, by all means hit the town, but if you have feelings of sadness and loss, consider how you might stay home or go to the home of a close friend. You could make or order in dinner, play games, read, work on a hobby like knitting or crocheting, or binge watch something (maybe not a love story). Do some journaling or write a letter to your ex (and then decide whether to send it).

Remember that your worth and happiness do not depend on your marital status, but sometimes you have to take steps to start moving on. Try not to be distracted by all the red hearts and chocolate. Remember it is not only a day based on romance, but it is also a commercially focused day.

Positive ideas for filling the day has suggestions for activities on Valentine’s Day post-divorce:

  • Avoid social media
  • Be self-indulgent
  • Contact a good friend
  • Exercise, even as simply as dancing at home or taking a short walk
  • Buy flowers and candy for yourself
  • Accept and work through any kind of feelings that come up for you

A knowledgeable Florida family lawyer can take care of the legal details so you can concentrate on your own healing.

