Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

Children’s Issues

Mummy and Deady, let your kids trick or treat in peace

Dragging them into your Florida divorce could be a nightmare Without realizing it is even happening, a parent can begin to engage in behavior that may be harmful to the children of a marriage about to become a divorce. It is difficult enough for kids to handle the...

Florida family courts are laser-focused on children’s best interests

In the Sunshine State, laws governing major court decisions regarding children’s lives require judges to make decisions that will be in children’s best interests. In fact, this is true all 50 states and in many international agreements, so you could say that...

Two birds, one stone: Divorce and nesting

“Nesting” is a creative living arrangement focused on the wellbeing of children of parents who separate or divorce. The inspiration is the behavior of actual bird parents when caring for their hatchlings. The chicks remain in their secure home nest while their mother...

