Law Offices of Forrest & Forrest, PLLC

Experienced South Florida Family Law Attorneys

Is Cupid falling down on the job? Might divorce be your valentine gift?

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2023 | Divorce

Even valentine candy can leave a bitter taste when your marriage is on the rocks. The season of love can feel like a farce when you are deciding whether to file for divorce. Maybe its time to get more information about the process of ending your marriage in Florida. Sometimes having the right information can bring more clarity about the right next steps.

Reasons for dissolving a marriage

Dragging your feet about filing for divorce is understandable. You may have financial concerns or worry about how it will impact your children. Speak with a family lawyer to understand how alimony, property division and child support might look in your case. Learn about potential parenting-time arrangements and how you and/or your spouse could make decisions for your children after the marriage ends. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to move forward in the right direction.

You will want to find legal counsel you can trust and with whom you are comfortable. They should have the knowledge and experience you need to go forward with confidence through preparation, negotiation and litigation, if necessary.

If you are vacillating it might help to understand why others divorce. In one study, the most frequent “final straws” for the end of their marriages were domestic violence, substance use and infidelity, reported divorced participants. Leading contributors to divorce were conflict and arguing, lack of commitment and (again) infidelity.

Your reasons may appear here, or you may have your own. Sometimes the reasons are not clear cut – you just feel differently about your partner. And what your gut tells you is also important.

Talk to a lawyer to help find clarity

An attorney can explain the divorce process in Florida, decisions you can think about and what kinds of issues may arise along the way. They can advise you about what you need to know, things to consider and steps you can take to prepare even if you are not there yet. For example:

  • Doing a major asset (marital and nonmarital) and debt inventory
  • Procuring legal documents Florida law will require you to disclose, including those regarding tax, income, loans, credit history, financial aid, real estate, bank accounts, investments, retirement assets, cryptocurrency, insurance, credit cards, leases, paternity, premarital and marital agreements, existing alimony or child support orders, and more
  • Considering what kind of custody, visitation and decision-making processes would be in your children’s best interests
  • Thinking about any questionable behavior by your spouse regarding business dealings, movement or concealment of assets, or anything else your attorney may need to investigate.
  • And more

Schedule a legal consultation and bring the sweetness back into your life.




